It is stated on page 299 of our textbook that in schools there are two technology uses , inclusion and infusion. I honestly prefer inclusion being that students need to learn how to do certain things without technology. I also like they learn to use technology but not get rid of common sense on the way.
Teachers use technology on a lot of their lessons. They can use it at an entry stage in which the teacher pretty much does the whole lesson using solely technology. There is also adoption stage in which she uses some technology such as, video clips, but continues the lesson without technology. Adaptation stage is when a teacher use "new technologies into traditional classroom practices". Appropriation stage is when a teacher uses technology inside and outside the classroom. Invention stage is great in my opinion because it was when the teacher finds new ways to use technology in the classroom. I would always try to find new ways to intrigue my students.
Assessments - As a new teacher I will be constantly evaluated on how I work with my students. I will also be evaluating my students as they will evaluate themselves. This can be done many different ways. Which brings back testing.
Digital Portfolios - Will be a necessity which I will have to begin building. It will include my resume, my philosophy on educations, references, experiences, and lesson plans
This chapter was actually the first time I had ever heard of a democratic school and classroom. Which is a classroom and school in which the teachers and students come together as one to make important decisions.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4 explains how to do many things.
I have learned what is involved in making a lesson plan effective. A lesson plan typically follows one of two different approaches. I have to tell who is going to do what and when will it or did happen how much or how often and how will it be measured or evaluated.
I have also learned how to assess and evaluate students. Three of those factors that play a big role in how teachers teach is,
personal experience
standardized testing
teacher test
Finally I learned how to meet educational standards. Like NET or NCSS
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
As I chapter 5 "Teaching Information Literacy and Digital Citizenship" I came across a few good points. Search Engines are great because they are so easy to use you can search just about everything that comes to mind and something will always pop up from the world wide web. As soon as you type a word or phrase the incredible fast speed in which results pop up is phenomenal.
We should also know the responsibility that comes about digital citizenship. Copyright is a legal protection given by the laws of the United States to a person's creative "literacy, dramatic, musical, or artistic work". Just about everything is copyrighted so you have to be careful with what you use when doing research. You must have the permission of the author to use that item whether it be pictures video or idea. "Fair use" allows teachers and students to use limited amounts of copyrighted material for educational or research purposes.
One concept in this book that I feel strongly about is "cyberbullying". It seems to be happened more often and attack our young individuals. Cyberbullying is a way of bullying, or being attacked or targeted, by the internet. Most common sites would be social media sites , such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Myspace, etc. Children or teenagers could be targeted just for their gender, sexual preference, cultural, or even their social class status. Cyberbullying has caused 4,500 deaths per year. As teachers we need to put a stop to it a zero tolerance policy can help. Although there will be students to afraid to come forward we need to be not just a teacher but someone they can confide in. Being a teacher is more then teaching a lesson each day we make impacts whether we realize it or not. Lets make a difference
Cyberbullying Rampant on the Internet. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2015, from
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
As I began to read the beginning of chapter one it soon dawned on me that although we do not realize it technology is everywhere. As a mother of a soon to be 2 year old I have come to realize that he loves watching TV. I, of course, only let him watch cartoons that are educational, but that just there shows how much technology has progress since I was a child. Now days you see 8 year olds on Facebook. Which in my opinion that is too young because they're exposed to things they are entirely too young for. Every family owns a computer, laptop, smartphone and or tablet that a child has access to. Have we asked ourselves how young is too young for children to be on such advance technology? Here's a quick video that is interesting to watch:
Secondly, I read about teaching 21st century learners with 21st century technologies. I see a few points here that make actually sense. TPACK explains that we need to have 3 types of knowledge: Content knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge, and Technological knowledge. As teachers we will need to be educated in all three types of knowledge. There are many reasons why technology will be useful. We will search facts, videos, and sometimes even music. Students will want to be involved in learning when they can learn using the latest technologies.
Lastly, I read about building my "digital identity". Just about everyone has a social media of some sort. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, or a Blog. Social media is a great way to build your digital media. Multimedia resume, learning resources and teaching tools are also great. The more you can relate with your students on a technological level they will connect with you and feel more compelled to learn.
Maloy, Robert W.Transforming Learning with New Technologies. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.