Sunday, September 6, 2015

Chapter 1 Digital Blog #A

Digital Blog #A - Chapter 1

As I began to read the beginning of chapter one it soon dawned on me that although we do not realize it technology is everywhere. As a mother of a soon to be 2 year old I have come to realize that he loves watching TV. I, of course, only let him watch cartoons that are educational, but that just there shows how much technology has progress since I was a child. Now days you see 8 year olds on Facebook. Which in my opinion that is too young because they're exposed to things they are entirely too young for. Every family owns a computer, laptop, smartphone and or tablet that a child has access to.  Have we asked ourselves how young is too young for children to be on such advance technology? Here's a quick video that is interesting to watch:

Secondly, I read about teaching 21st century learners with 21st century technologies. I see a few points here that make actually sense. TPACK explains that we need to have 3 types of knowledge: Content knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge, and Technological knowledge.  As teachers we will need to be educated in all three types of knowledge. There are many reasons why technology will be useful. We will search facts, videos, and sometimes even music. Students will want to be involved in learning when they can learn using the latest technologies.

Lastly, I read about building my "digital identity". Just about everyone has a social media of some sort. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, or a Blog. Social media is a great way to build your digital media. Multimedia resume, learning resources and teaching tools are also great. The more you can relate with your students on a technological level they will connect with you and feel more compelled to learn.
 Maloy, Robert W. Transforming Learning with New Technologies. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You got your first post on your first blog!! :) Congratulations

    The points that resonated with you are good ones - ones that you'll likely build upon over the semester's time. Nice job on your reflective writing - a skill that you will further develop as you get some additional posts on this blog. You also did an awesome job in finding a relevant video and adding one of your resources- excellent!

    The things to work on for the next blog post: 1) You need to be sure to add all of your Resources in proper APA format - in this case you added the textbook, but it is not APA - use an online citation generator for help, i.e., Citation Machine and be sure to add in the optional URL if it is web-based. You didn't add the YouTube citation in the Resource section and need to do so. And your photo graph has no attribution (those are generally directly under the image rather than in the Resource section and are critical to be sure you give credit to the creator. Since this one is without, I also can't tell if it is a copyrighted photo (which would be a violation of the law, unless you asked for/received permission)? Try adding a Creative Commons licensed photo- there's a tutorial for finding and attributing them on the blog page assignment page.

    Overall, a great first post - keep up the good work. :)
